Highlight locations on your journey by adding waypoints. Annotate each waypoint with text and photos.
Follow a tour with the app or with a web browser.
Receive notifications when a map you're following is updated.
The freemium version of TrackMyTour provides all the features you need to track your journey.
If you like the app you can purchase a TrackMyTour Plus subscription to unlock additional features.
Updates can be made offline and submitted later when you're back online (e.g., hotel WiFi).
Preserve your memories by turning your tours into a photo book.
The map remains online and can be viewed anytime with a web browser, Android, or iOS device.
Create a book
TrackMyTour Books does the heavy lifting of creating a beautiful photo book from your tour, but also provides the tools to fine tune the book to your liking.
A variety of book sizes and types are available. Availability and pricing varies per country.

You can read some reviews on the App Store. Here is an excerpt:
A great example of what an iOS app should be. This is a wonderful app. It does one thing - lets you take photos of things you see on your trip and add captions to them. It can then display those photos in order in either a list or on a map. There are interfaces to see the photos in iOS and also in a browser. A link for each specific trip is provided so that you can share the trip with friends and family or your network.
It is very easy to add waypoints, which is what the photos are called, and you can add optional data such as the weather or type of point. And if the camera didn't capture the map location correctly, there is an easy way to fix it.
These single purpose apps are what iOS is built for, and track my tour is a great example of how to do it right. Kudos and thanks to everyone involved in making and supporting this app.